Ernst Tanner's first expedition and missionary journey took him in 1969 through Africa - from west to east - from Cameroon via the Congo and Uganda to Kenya. This little book is not in the study, but on bumpy planes, cars or buses Streets, in a boat, in a canoe, under the mosquito net by the light of a flashlight were created - in short, where Ernst Tanner experienced it.
At this time, God moves his heart greatly. It is the birth of the vision to do everything possible to reach people in impassable areas with the good news - people of all tribes, languages and peoples.
He still doesn't know exactly how, but the foundation stone for the helimission is being laid.
ISBN: 978-3-9525111-3-8
Africa is calling - travelogue by Ernst Tanner
SKU: 978-3-9525111-3-8
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